10 Reasons Why Fear Shouldn’t Stop You From Fulfilling Your Purpose


1. What you’re really afraid of is the thought of doing something, not the action itself. Now that we put it like that, what’s the point of being scared of something you haven’t tried yet?

2. Fear leads to overthinking and slowly robs you of your faith. You’ll begin to dwell on the worst case scenario as opposed to having faith that God works everything out for your greatest good.

3. It could cause you to miss your calling to be a catalyst for positive change in someone’s life.

4. You will stop yourself from obtaining a blessing that’s more within reach than you thought.

5. Once you truly begin to believe and feel that you deserve it, your passions will be so strong that fear won’t be a factor.

6. “On the other side of your maximum fear are all of your best things in life.”—Will Smith

7. You will never be completely happy staying right where you are.

8. Comparing the time it took for someone else to find success to where you are on your path only hinders you from achieving your dreams. Don’t forfeit because of other people or your fear of failure. Remember— God is with you.

9. You have to be able to listen to your soul and take the leap of faith and SOAR.

10. "Your greatest fear is not that you will fail. You greatest fear is that you will live a full life and never fly. So start talking yourself into it and stop talking yourself out of it."- Lisa Nichols